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Dress Code Policy Template

This template provides a basic structure for your dress code policy.


How you present yourself leaves clients and coworkers with a lasting impression of you and our workplace. So while we want you to wear what is comfortable, we also want you to show up dressed for success. In our dress code policy, we’ll outline exactly what we mean by that!


This policy applies to all employees (including full-time, part-time, and contractors), interns, volunteers, and business partners - whether they are working from the office or video-calling in.

Our dress code policy

Our everyday dress code policy is [formal/business casual/casual]. But we leave a lot of what that means up to the individual - and their best judgment.For example, [slacks and a blouse for female employees and a golf shirt and khakis male employees] might be appropriate for the average workday. But if you have an important meeting, interview, or industry event, it might call for a bit more formality. And we expect that you'll dress accordingly.Similarly, if you’re working from home, feel free to dress a bit more casually. But please make sure that your on-camera appearance is work-appropriate during web-based meetings.Please note that our dress code applies to your overall appearance - including hygiene. And we expect everyone to come to work clean. This includes any clothes or belongings brought with them.

Disciplinary action

The following may trigger disciplinary action:

  • Any outfit deemed inappropriate, including - but not limited to - [sweatpants, shorts, crop tops, jeans with holes in them, t-shirts with vulgar messages]
  • A disregard for personal hygiene
  • Losing a client due to an inappropriate outfit or appearance
  • A habit of disregarding our company dress code

If you are found doing any of these things, we will apply our [disciplinary action process] to resolve the issue.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Have a question about this policy? Reach out to [HR contact].

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