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Unlimited Vacation Policy Template

This template provides a basic structure for your unlimited vacation policy.

The purpose of this unlimited time off policy (sample)

Our unlimited vacation company policy allows employees to take as much leave as they need. Employees need time to rest and enjoy themselves outside work. Putting a cap on this important time doesn’t help our effort to achieve high levels of employee satisfaction and productivity.This policy is based on mutual trust between employer and employee. It gives employees opportunities to work or take time off as they see fit, as long as they keep fulfilling their duties.

(Note: The purpose of unlimited vacation policy templates is to help you develop your unlimited PTO policy.)

The scope of this open PTO policy (sample)

This policy applies to [full-time and part-time] employees of the company.

(Note: Which employees does this flexible time off policy (sample) apply to?)

Why an unlimited PTO policy?

We believe in good, hard, honest work. It's what makes us successful as a company and ensures that we'll be around for a long time.That said, we also believe it's super important to get away, unplug, recharge, and not have to worry about if you've got enough time to do it. This is why we have an unlimited vacation policy.

(Note: This vacation policy template text explains the need for an unlimited vacation policy.)

Our unlimited PTO policy (example text)

We don’t limit the amount of PTO employees can take. We simply ask that you take what you need to recharge and not abuse this benefit. The underlying qualification for maintaining this benefit is that you use it responsibly and that you continue to meet your goals and fulfill your responsibilities.All employees will have to take at least [#] off each year. This will help them avoid exhaustion and ensure they have some time to clear their minds from their work duties.We will track vacation time for all employees to ensure that employees:

  • Take the minimum time off
  • Don’t take time off that compromises their performance

Employees don’t accrue time-off so we will not compensate for unused leave. This policy doesn’t interfere with legally established leaves like maternity and paternity leave.General Guidelines:

  • Avoid abusing the policy by taking time off that negatively impacts their job and the company
  • Communicate and collaborate with their team to ensure everyone takes leave without disrupting operations
  • Plan to delegate, postpone or otherwise manage projects that will be affected by their time off
  • Notify their supervisors at least two weeks in advance

We will review this policy annually and address any issues.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Have a question about this policy? Reach out to [HR contact].

(Note: This unlimited vacation policy example section is to cater to doubts and questions from employees.)

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